Watch Folders

All-About-PDF’s Watch Folders allows you to convert PDF files to other formats such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, JPG or HTML just by dropping the file into a folder that All-About-PDF monitors.

convert pdf to ms word, ms excel, ms powerpoint, jpg and html using watch folders

Setting up Watch Folders couldn’t be simpler.

  1. From the application’s main window, click on the three dots in the top right side to open the menu

  2. Select Watch Folders

  3. Hit the Add (+) button to create your Watch Folder

  4. Select the folder you would like All-About-PDF to monitor

  5. Specify the filter you would like to use. The default is *.pdf however you can use any filter as long as it has the .pdf extension

  6. Select the conversion actions that you would like to occur when a file matching your filter is added to the Watch Folder.

  7. Select folder where the conversion output should be placed. This folder cannot be the same as the Watch Folder.

  8. You may also specify if you would like All-About-PDF to delete the original PDF file in the Watch Folder and whether or not to overwrite any existing files in the Output folder.

  9. Once saved, the Watch is live and you can begin dropping it like its hot!

To give Watch Folders a try, download All-About-PDF today!